
Maria Rogl

Dead farewell coffee and donuts
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Since I have prayed to ten and ten-thirty you have stopped praying. And then the whole community, half the town since it was the room was full. Because the hallway was full, up the steps, the people sat, and all have subsequently get coffee, donuts or to aphid, fried in lard, and since they have entire coffee. .. There is, as I can remember, I must tell you, as the dead man is inside the room, the coffin is standing there. And they also did not place because there were so many people. People have come earlier - everything is gone from all pray worldwide. And because they are still sitting inside the coffin, all. And afterwards there a few neighbors helped. Women or girls who have carried into the coffee. They are all sitting in there, have had their coffee and donuts to eat there. As the coffin was, they talked and discussed and have been drinking coffee. Afterward a woman came back refilling. That was nice. Well, my God, that was nice.